
Raleigh’s rising doom-psych cult Doomsday Profit issues debut demo

“We are a plague on the Earth.”
– Sir David Attenborough

Deep within the bowels of Southwest Raleigh, NC, DOOMSDAY PROFIT emerges from its underground lair to issue its debut recording, Abandon Hope (Demo), to a world ravaged by pestilences of both viral and political varieties.

With spring shows and recording plans foiled by quarantine, the psych-doom quartet DOOMSDAY PROFIT offers this raw demo as a balm against isolation, and a small gesture to support the local communities of which the band members are part. 

Says the nameless collective: “It’s not much, but it’s gotta be more than Gal Gadot and her millionaire pals FaceTiming a lackluster rendition of ‘Imagine,’ or Amazon spending millions to thank its underpaid, uninsured factory workers on prime time television rather than providing them with pay raises and healthcare.”

As of this moment, DOOMSDAY PROFIT’s Abandon Hope (Demo) is available as a name-your-price stream and download at Bandcamp, with all proceeds received being directed entirely toward the Raleigh Music Venue Employee Fund until the venues are back in operation. The Fund directly supports venue workers in Raleigh, NC, who have been sidelined by the pandemic. Direct donations can also be made via Venmo @raleigh-downtown-music-venues.

“If the mega-corporations and political interests can exploit this unprecedented crisis for their own enrichment, then why shouldn’t we take the opportunity to shamelessly promote our own endeavors?,” posits the band.

Cobbled together from basement experiments and cell-phone recorded live performances, Abandon Hope offers a hazy vision — or perhaps a warning — of what DOOMSDAY PROFIT has been conjuring, and what the band promises will eventually find its way into a proper studio recording. 

The clock ticks on toward oblivion.


  1. Prophets of Doom (Intro)
  2. Scryers of the Smoke (Live at Art Bar, Columbia, SC)
  3. Cestoda (Rehearsal Tape)
  4. Monument to Nothing (Live at Zog’s, Chapel Hill, NC)
